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    Close supervision of uploads and downloads in real time.Historical usage reports by day, week and month.Both these features allow you to make sure you are getting a quality Internet connection. In addition, there is a Connection Monitor that tracks downtime and monitors your ping time...
    Synchronize MTP devices ( Android, iPhone, tablet, digital camera).Synchronize network shares and local disks. Practically speaking, the only limiting factor for extremely large sync jobs is the amount of free memory available: For each 1 GB of RAM, Free File Sync can synchronize roughly 1.7...
    You can try out the Pro features WITHOUT a time limit, a dialog box will pop up after every few uses of the Pro feature to remind you to register, and updates are mandatorily checked every few months.Īdded emulate Blu-ray drive with AACS-Authįixed UI repaint issue when dragging 'File Viewer'...
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